• قالب جميل ومناسب للمدونات الشخصية ، يحتوي على العديد من الميزات والسمات الانيقة
  • نسخة مطورة من قالب مدونة رشيد ، قالب مناسب للمدونات الشخصية ويوجد به عدة اضافات
  •  تعرف على افضل عشرة مدونات على مستوى العالم ، للتبين اين انت من هؤلاء
  •  تعرف على قائمة اكثر 30 مدونة عالمية تحقق الربح من التدوين ، وتعرف على السر الحقيقي وراء تحقيقهم لهذه الاموال من المدونات
  • اجعل صندوق التعليق في مدونتك اكثر احترافية ، واضف عليه الوان جميلة لتبهر زوار مدونتك بأناقته

Policeman shoots at passengers in public train in Samalloot - Egypt

السبت، 15 يناير 2011 التسميات:
A random firing from his gun, an Egyptian policeman killed 1 passenger and inured 5 others, 2 of them are in critical condition.
The murderer called Amer Ashoor has entered the train during its stop in Samallot - Upper Egypt - and directly opened fire at passengers, one brave man tried to stop him, however he managed to escape leaving his jacket, that contained its personal cell phone, that lead the Egyptian police to his brother that said that the murderer is psychologically disturbed and is present at his home, minutes later the murderer was taken to the police station after half an hour of convicting his crime.

It is very obvious that many people are taking chance of this accident to relate it with Christian Muslim conflict as the murderer is Muslim and the victims are Christians, and some media said that the murderer said" allah akbar" ( a Muslim slogan) which is later was denied by witnesses who confirmed that he opened fire directly after entering the train without saying anything, and without knowing the victims faces as they were siting back side the door he entered through, and for sure there was Christians and Muslims in the train.

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