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  •  تعرف على قائمة اكثر 30 مدونة عالمية تحقق الربح من التدوين ، وتعرف على السر الحقيقي وراء تحقيقهم لهذه الاموال من المدونات
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4 Israeli Spies busted in Egypt

الخميس، 23 ديسمبر 2010 التسميات:

Israeli Spies busted EgyptEgyptian police captured yesterday 4 Spies who were working for Israel including a former basketball player in Zamalek club.
The spying network included 2 israeli officers and 2 Egyptians who all connected through 2 offices one in Cairo and other in England.

The network is involved in suppling information about VIP Egyptians.

One other Egyptian other than the former player was a vice president in a Tourism Company in egypt who supplied important information about numbers and places where tourists were found in Egypt.

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